French Lab Made Administrative Error With Landis "B" Sample(フランスのラボがランディス“B”サンプルの管理ミスを認める
"The identification number for Floyd Landis was 995 474, while that in the report was written 994 474," Le Monde reported, adding that this did not mean that the sample analyzed was not Landis's, but that "it will be used by his lawyers, who are to present new defence elements on Friday."
「フロイド・ランディスの認識番号は995 474だったが、レポートには994 474と書かれていた」とルモンド紙。しかし、それがランディスのものではない、と断定されたわけではないことを付け加えている。それでも、「今週金曜に新たな防衛の材料を発表することになっている弁護士に使われることにはなるだろう」。
According to Ceaurriz, "This was merely a writing error which does not cast doubt on the value of the analysis or on the purity of the sample."
However, Landis's attorney, Howard Jacobs, has already suggested that the laboratory made several errors, including mismatching sample identification numbers
この事件のすごいところは、どうやらハッカーがラボに侵入してわかったらしいというのは嘘で(笑)、ハッカーが侵入した直後の超バッドタイミングで公表された、というところ。Hackers Steal Data From Landis Lab(ハッカーが“ランディスの”ラボに侵入、データ盗む)
Police are investigating a complaint that computers at the lab were breached by a hacker. The complaint was lodged by French Anti-Doping Agency president Pierre Bordry on Nov. 7.
そんで次の日=水曜日にいきなりの番号間違い発表。Landis lab concedes error(ランディスのラボ、ミスを認める)
The Le Monde story, which comes one day after French officials confirmed they were investigating a hacking into the Chatenay lab's computer systems, said that the lab wrote the number 994,474 onto the doping form, while Landis's number was 995,474.
Pound defends French lab in Landis doping case(パウンド氏、ランディスドーピングに関してフランスのラボを擁護)
CN来ました。Landis team to present more defense evidence on Friday
"Admin error" report boosts Landis's case(管理ミスのレポートはランディスを後押しする)
"While the whole of the Landis defense does not rest on this single mistake, today's news validates our claim that there is more than enough fact-based evidence in the public material to prove Floyd's innocence," Henson continued.