Those who are looking for a REAL shoujo manga, read "Young Magician"!

Being surprised at finding "Young Magician(少年魔法士)" translated in English, I’m writing this entry. This comic is obviously one of the best shoujo manga I’ve ever read, and historically speaking it has achieved some important works. I’m glad that it will be read worldwide, it still, however, can be misread and underrated. Not many people are actually reading this piece in Japan, and people who mention this are even less. In English? Hopeless.
Since I’ve been studying about girls’ comics - shoujo manga – for a couple of years (Can you believe that? Thank god I was born in Japan, therefore I can even write thesis about it to graduate! haha) I totally recommend you to read it. It’s a story that teaches you how a man can be a real human. There’s a guy named Carno (but it’s not his name at birth), who finds his identity and a reason to live, his real name in this story. He straggles to get his own life back in his hand that is never controlled by anyone. I’d say that is the very theme shojo manga has been always struggling to achieve. In a few weeks I’m gonna write some short review for new foreign readers, I hope you’ll like it.

Young Magician, The: Volume 1 (Young Magician (DC Comics))

Young Magician, The: Volume 1 (Young Magician (DC Comics))

He is Carno, who is a chimera of devil and human. See also;カルノ(Japanese only)
Young Magician, The - Volume 2 (Young Magician (DC Comics))

Young Magician, The - Volume 2 (Young Magician (DC Comics))

Young Magician, The: Volume 3 (Young Magician (DC Comics))

Young Magician, The: Volume 3 (Young Magician (DC Comics))